Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science) ›› 2020, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (3): 73-81.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1672-3961.0.2019.256

• Civil Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Treatment of coastal soft foundation with cement-soil mixing pile

Guoren LÜ1(),Jiandong GE1,Haitao XIAO2   

  1. 1. School of Traffic Engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, Shandong, China
    2. Engineering Department, Shandong High-Speed Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd., Jinan 250101, Shandong, China
  • Received:2019-05-27 Online:2020-06-01 Published:2020-06-16
  • Supported by:


Direct construction of roads and railways on coastal soft soil foundation leads to subgrade instability and other problems, and foundation treatment must be carried out. Based on the actual project, the pile arrangement simulation analysis was carried out and the pile arrangement parameters of cement-soil mixing piles were optimized. Through indoor mix proportion test and on-site pile forming test, the influencing factors of cement-soil strength and pile forming quality of cement-soil mixing pile were analyzed. The results showed that the proposed pile arrangement scheme was safe and feasible and cost saving. The optimal range of cement content in cement soil was 16%-18%, and the unconfined compressive strength at short-term age could reach 60%-70% of the standard age, which shortened the construction period; During the construction, the pile-forming technology of four stirring and four spraying was of the best quality. Preservatives were very important to the quality and durability of pile body. Through pile quality inspection, it was comprehensively judged that the reinforcement effect of cement-soil mixing pile in this project meeted the requirements. The research results had certain reference value for similar projects and provide on-site basis for the formulation of technical standards and construction methods.

Key words: cement-soil mixing pile, coastal region, soft foundation treatment, indoor and outdoor experiments

CLC Number: 

  • U416.1


Photo of the scene"

Table 1

Cloth pile project"

方案序号 桩型 桩径/m 桩间距/m 桩长/m 桩型布置 备注
1 水泥土搅拌桩 0.5 1.1 9 三角形 采取临时防护措施
2 水泥土搅拌桩 0.5 1.2 6~12 三角形 桩长由里到外依次呈台阶状递增,桩长分别为6、10、12 m,加固范围加固至坡脚外5 m
3 水泥土搅拌桩+旋喷桩 0.5 1.1 9 三角形 临近既有线段落采用两排旋喷桩加固,外侧用水泥土搅拌桩加固

Table 2

Formation physical and mechanical indexes"

土石名称 土层状态 天然密度/(g·cm-3) 桩周摩阻力/kPa 桩端极限承载力/kPa 基本承载力/kPa 压缩模量/MPa 黏聚力/kPa 内摩擦角/(°)
粉质黏土 软塑 1.84 30 1 500 90 2.5 29 8.0
粉质黏土 软塑 1.85 35 1 500 100 2.9 30 8.5
粉土 饱和 1.98 35 1 500 90 5.5 17 23.0
粉砂 饱和 1.95 25 1 800 90 6.0 3 25.0
粉质黏土 软塑-硬塑 19.50 40 1 600 120 4.2 33 9.5
粉土 饱和 2.00 45 1 600 120 6.2 17 22.0


Stable calculation model interface"


Settlement calculation output"

Table 3

Summary of calculation results"

方案序号 方案 承载力/kPa 沉降/m 最小稳定系数 总桩长/m
1 桩径0.5 m,桩间距1.1 m,桩长9.0 m 163 0.262 1.38 381 765
2 桩径0.5 m,桩间距1.2 m,桩长成台阶状6~12.0 m 151 0.221 1.45 399 800
3 桩径0.5 m,桩间距1.1 m,桩长9.0 m 163 0.286 1.61 382 765(水泥搅拌桩286 324,旋喷桩96 441)


Unconfined compressive strength at different ages with different cement content"


Unconfined compressive strength at different ages with different cement contents"


Unconfined compressive strength at different ages with different water-cement ratios"


Pile head soil accumulation phenomenon"


The excavation pile head under conventional technology"


The results of pile coring under conventional technology"


The excavation pile head under new technology"


The core results under new technology"

Table 4

Unconfined compressive strength"

四搅两喷 1.21 1.25 1.23 1.30 1.33 1.32 1.34 1.38 1.36
四搅四喷 1.32 1.33 1.33 1.35 1.36 1.35 1.41 1.42 1.42


Detection of bearing capacity of composite foundation"

Table 5

Bearing capacity of composite foundation"

工艺 水泥质量分数为16%的承载力/kPa 水泥质量分数为17%的承载力/kPa 水泥质量分数为18%的承载力/kPa
四搅两喷 121 132 150
四搅四喷 134 154 172


Sampling excavation pile heads of engineering pile"


The core results of sampling engineering pile"

Table 6

Summary of statistical results of unconfined pile compressive strength"

序号 桩号 设计桩长/m 试验龄期 取芯率/% 无侧限抗压强度/MPa说明 不合格率/%
最大值 最小值 平均值
1 2-87# 8.0 >28 >85 1.85 0.71 1.25 较完整 >10
2 2-1760# 8.0 >28 >85 6.07 0.46 2.15 较完整 <10
3 2-1835# 8.0 >28 >85 4.47 0.42 1.70 较完整 <10
4 2-1695# 8.0 >28 >85 2.15 0.75 1.48 较完整 <10
5 3-518# 8.0 >28 >85 3.98 1.28 2.67 较完整 <10
6 3-483# 8.0 >28 >85 5.23 1 2.27 较完整 <10
7 3-1006# 8.0 >28 >85 1.93 0.46 1.41 较完整 <10
8 3-346# 8.0 >28 >85 2.07 0.79 1.57 较完整 <10
9 3-375# 8.0 >28 >85 2.31 0.18 1.58 较完整 <10
10 4-92# 8.0 >28 >85 2.29 0.31 1.45 较完整 <10
11 4-840# 8.0 >28 >85 3.21 0.51 1.40 较完整 <10


Vertical load-settlement curves"


Sediment-time log curves"

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