Publishing Ethics

  • Publishing Ethics Statement

    To prevent academic misconduct, ensure the quality of our journal, and strengthen the ethical literacy of authors, reviewers, and editors, our journal has established the following publication ethics statement in accordance with relevant documents such as the Copyright Law, “Ethical Standards for Scientific Journal Publishing,” and CY/T 174-2019 Standard.

    Author Ethics

    1. Authors should ensure that manuscripts are original and free from academic misconduct such as plagiarism or data fraud. Our journal utilizes the “Academic Misconduct Detection System” to review manuscripts and requires that the copy ratio of a manuscript does not exceed 20%. Otherwise, the manuscript will be rejected.

    2. Authors should submit both a “Submission Recommendation Letter” and “Copyright Transfer Contract” when submitting manuscripts, ensure that there are no duplicate submissions, no confidentiality concerns, and no disputes regarding authorship. The “Submission Recommendation Letter” must be stamped by the author unit and the “Copyright Transfer Contract” should include the signatures of all authors.

    3. All listed authors of a manuscript should be significant contributors to the research and in principle, they should be ranked according to the size of their contributions, which should be mutually agreed upon by all authors. The signed authors and their units are generally not allowed to make changes to authorship following submission. If changes are required, the responsible party (first author and/or corresponding author) should submit a written application to the editorial department explaining the reasons for the required changes and all signed authors must agree. After a manuscript is accepted, the authors, their order, affiliations, and other information will not change.

    4. If there are funding projects related to the research content of a manuscript, the funding statuses of the funding projects should be provided in a footnote and funding projects unrelated to the research content of a manuscript should not be listed. Funding projects will not change after a manuscript is accepted.

    5. The research content of a manuscript should comply with the scope of our journal’s published manuscripts (please refer to the “Instruction” document for details). The submission format should meet the requirements of our journal and authors should download the paper template for our journal or use published articles as a reference.

    6. When submitting a manuscript, recommended reviewers and reviewers to be avoided can be listed for reference by the editorial department.

    7. Authors should respect the opinions of reviewers. However, if they have any objections to review opinions and results, they can appeal directly to the editorial department.

    Reviewer Ethics

    1. Reviewers should review manuscripts in a timely manner according to the system’s prescribed timelines, provide objective, fair, detailed, and clear review opinions, and refrain from using language that belittles or attacks authors. If review comments cannot be returned within the specified timeframe, then the editorial department should be pro‍mptly informed and other relevant review experts can be recommended.

    2. Reviewers are not permitted to entrust students or other researchers to conduct review activities on their behalf without authorization.

    3. If there are any potential conflicts of interest between reviewers and authors, reviewers should pro‍mptly inform the editorial department and actively avoid reviewing manuscripts with associated conflicts.

    4. Reviewers should respect author research results and may not disclose manuscript information or use the contents and data in a reviewed manuscript prior to its publication.

    Editor Ethics

    1. Editors should pro‍mptly register, submit for review, and edit manuscripts to ensure that they can be published within the required publication cycle of our journal.

    2. When submitting a manuscript for review, editors should choose reviewers with appropriate professional and academic experience for review. Editors are not permitted to choose signed authors as reviewers. Editors must also avoid selecting reviewers from the same units as authors. If authors provide reasonable requests regarding reviewers to be avoided, then editors should respect such requests.

    3. Our journal adopts a double-blind review system and editors should keep the personal information of authors and reviewers strictly confidential.

    4. Editors should respect the intellectual property of the authors and keep the content of manuscripts strictly confidential, and may not use unpublished research results.

    5. Editors should provide clear and reasonable opinions regarding manuscripts based on the condition of manuscripts and opinions of reviewers, as well as timely feedback regarding review results and the opinions of reviewers provided to authors. If authors disagree with review results, then they are allowed to appeal the results. Editors should handle appeals carefully and ask relevant experts to review appealed manuscripts again.

    6. To ensure that published papers meets relevant quality requirements, editors have the right to make necessary editing and processing changes to manuscripts. If significant changes are required, then editors should consult with authors.

    7. If competition, cooperation, or other conflicts of interest arise between editors and authors, then editors should actively avoid handling corresponding manuscripts.

  • 2014-05-27 Visited: 11230