Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science) ›› 2020, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (3): 66-72.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1672-3961.0.2019.393
• Civil Engineering • Previous Articles Next Articles
Ziyao XU(),Song YU*(
),Qiang FU
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LI Peng , HUANG Deyong , WENG Chunlin . Discrete simulation on the step excavation of layered jointed rock tunnel[J]. Metal Mine, 2011, 3 (3): 50- 52.
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ZUO Shuangying , SHI Wenbing , LIANG Feng , et al. Numerical simulation and engineering application for failure modes and criterion of layered anisotropic rock mass[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2015, 37 (Suppl.1): 191- 196. | |
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SUN Xushu , CHENG Dong , HUANG Yening , et al. Numerical simulation of deformation characteristics of layered jointed rockmass[J]. Journal of China Three Gorges University(Natural Sciences), 2017, 39 (3): 32- 35. | |
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ZHANG Xutao , ZHANG Qiangyong , XIANG Wen , et al. Model test study of zonal disintegration in deep layered jointed rock mass[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2014, 35 (8): 2247- 2254. | |
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12 | 罗福君, 周晓军. 基于遍布节理模型的顺层边坡稳定性影响因素分析[J]. 铁道标准设计, 2017, 61 (7): 141- 146. |
LUO Fujun , ZHOU Xiaojun . Analysis of influence factors on the stability of bedding slope based on joint model[J]. Railway Standard Design, 2017, 61 (7): 141- 146. | |
13 | 罗福君.层状千枚岩地层山岭隧道洞口坡面稳定性及其控制技术研究[D].成都:西南交通大学, 2017. |
LUO Fujun. Study on the stability of mountain tunnel portal in layered phyllite slope and its control technology[D]. Chengdu: Southwest Jiaotong University, 2017. | |
14 | 高敏, 贾善坡, 刘晓东, 等. 层状岩体各向异性弹塑性本构模型的数值实现[J]. 长江大学学报(自科版), 2015, 12 (22): 61- 66. |
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CHENG Peng. The research of mechanical properties and time-dependent fracture mechanisms of the layered rock under high stress conditions[D]. Wuhan: Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, 2015. | |
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WANG Peitao.Characteristics of anisotropic mechanical properties of jointed rock mass using pfc and engineering applications[D]. Shenyang: Northeastern University, 2015. | |
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LIU Xiaogang , ZHANG Yishan , YU Zhifang . Probe into strength characteristics of layered rock based on FLAC3D[J]. Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, 2018, 38 (6): 39- 43.
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WANG Yangyang. Theory study and numerical simulation of blasting in horianotal layered rockmass[D]. Shijiazhuang: Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, 2014. | |
19 | 胡训健, 卞康, 李鹏程, 等. 水平厚层状岩质边坡地震动力破坏过程颗粒流模拟[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2017, 36 (9): 2156- 2168. |
HU Xunjian , BIAN Kang , LI Pengcheng , et al. Simulation of dynamic failure process of horizontal thick-layered rock slopes using particle flow code[J]. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2017, 36 (9): 2156- 2168. | |
20 | 石洪超.层状围岩小净距隧道掘进爆破振动效应及围岩稳定性研究[D].成都:西南交通大学, 2017. |
SHI Hongchao.Study on blasting vibration effect and stability of the neighburhood tunnel with layered surrounding rock[D]. Chengdu: Southwest Jiaotong University, 2017. | |
21 | 陈雪峰, 赵孝学, 马浪, 等. 层状节理岩体隧道钻爆参数优化研究[J]. 公路, 2018, 63 (5): 323- 325. |
22 | 李鹏, 周佳, 李振. 爆炸应力波在层状节理岩体中传播规律及数值模拟[J]. 长江科学院院报, 2018, 35 (5): 97- 102. |
LI Peng , ZHOU Jia , LI Zhen . Blasting stress wave in layered jointed rock mass:propagation law and numerical simulation[J]. Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, 2018, 35 (5): 97- 102. | |
23 | 张峰.含软弱夹层的近水平节理岩体成拱机理研究[D].西安:长安大学, 2017. |
ZHANG Feng. Research on arching mechanism of jointed horizontal rock mass with weak interlayer[D]. Xi'an: Chang'an University, 2017. | |
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