Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science) ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (6): 1-7.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1672-3961.0.2023.132

• Machine Learning & Data Mining •     Next Articles

An efficient and lightweight RGB frame-level face anti-spoofing model

Jiachun LI(),Bowen LI,Jianbo CHANG   

  1. School of Computer Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, Guangdong, China
  • Received:2023-06-21 Online:2023-12-20 Published:2023-12-19


Based on the challenge when deploying a deep learning-based face anti-spoofing (FAS) algorithm on general-purpose consumer devices with only RGB camera, an efficient and lightweight RGB frame-level FAS model (EL-FAS) was proposed. To improve the generalization ability of the model and achieve high performance under constrained conditions, a novel global spatial self-attention mechanism was explored to capture global feature dependencies, and an equal-channel pixel-wise binary supervision method was designed to force our model to learn shared features from different pixels. The Bottlenecks residual block was used to establish the backbone network to reduce parameters. Analysis and the experimental results showed that EL-FAS model achieved state-of-the-art performance in the OULU-NPU dataset, obtained competitive performance in the SiW dataset and cross-dataset tests. The model was lightweight, with only 1.34×106 parameters.

Key words: deep learning, face anti-spoofing, self-attention mechanism, pixel-wise supervision, lightweight model

CLC Number: 

  • TP391


Network architecture of EL-FAS"

Table 1

Network architecture details of EL-FAS"

解编码器 模块 输入 操作 t c s
编码器 E1 3×2242 Conv3×3 32 2
32×1122 Bottleneck 1 16 1
E2 16×562 Bottleneck 6 24 2
24×562 Bottleneck 6 24 1
24×562 Bottleneck 6 32 2
E3 32×282 Bottleneck 6 32 1
32×282 Bottleneck 6 32 1
32×282 Bottleneck 6 64 2
64×142 Bottleneck 6 64 1
64×142 Bottleneck 6 64 1
E4 64×142 Bottleneck 6 64 1
64×142 Bottleneck 6 96 1
96×142 Bottleneck 6 96 1
96×142 Bottleneck 6 96 1
解码器 96×142 ConvTrans 32 2
D1 64×282 Bottleneck 6 32 1
32×282 Bottleneck 6 32 1
32×282 ConvTrans 24 2
D2 48×562 Bottleneck 6 24 1
24×562 Bottleneck 6 24 1
24×562 ConvTrans 16 2
D3 32×1122 Bottleneck 6 16 1
16×1122 Bottleneck 6 16 1
D4 16×1122 ConvTrans 16 2
16×2242 Conv3×3 3 1


Framework of global spatial self-attention module"

Table 2

The summary of the datasets used"

数据集 用户数 视频数 攻击设备 测试协议数
SiW 165 4 478 iPad, iPhone7, GalaxyS8, Asus MB168B(RGB) 3
OULU-NPU 55 4 950 Dell 1905FP, MacBook(RGB) 4
Replay-Attack 50 1 200 iPad, iPhone 3GS(RGB) 1
CASIA-FASD 50 600 A4 Paper, iPad(RGB) 1

Table 3

The ablation study results for intra-dataset test  单位: %"

Single 4.2±9.3 4.6±6.8 4.4±4.9
Equal 3.3±4.7 5.4±6.8 4.4±3.2
Single+Attention 3.4±4.5 4.4±6.8 3.9±3.5
Equal+Attention 1.6±3.7 5.8±8.3 3.7±4.0

Table 4

The ablation study results for inter-dataset test  单位: %"

Single 3.3±3.7 2.5±2.5 2.9±2.7
Equal 3.0±4.0 2.5±2.2 2.8±2.0
Single+Attention 3.0±4.0 2.0±1.9 2.5±1.8
Equal+Attention 0.8±1.8 3.7±4.3 2.3±2.4

Table 5

The intra-dataset test results on OULU-NPU  单位: %"

1 GRADIANT[18] 1.3 12.5 6.9
Auxiliary[17] 1.6 1.6 1.6
FaceDs[19] 1.2 1.7 1.5
STDN[20] 0.8 1.3 1.1
DSGT[5] 2.0 0 1.0
DeepPix[10] 0.8 0 0.4
EL-FAS 0 1.6 0.8
2 DeepPix[10] 11.4 0.6 6.0
FaceDs[19] 4.2 4.4 4.3
Auxiliary[17] 2.7 2.7 2.7
GRADIANT[18] 3.1 1.9 2.5
DSGT[5] 2.5 1.3 1.9
STDN[20] 2.3 1.6 1.9
EL-FAS 0.3 0.5 0.4
3 DeepPix[10] 11.7±19.6 10.6±14.1 11.1±9.4
GRADIANT[18] 2.6±3.9 5.0±5.3 3.8±2.4
Auxiliary[17] 2.6±3.9 5.0±5.3 3.8±2.4
FaceDs[19] 4.0±1.8 3.8±1.2 3.6±1.6
STDN[20] 1.6±1.6 4.0±5.4 2.8±3.3
DSGT[5] 3.2±2.0 2.2±1.4 2.7±0.6
EL-FAS 1.9±2.4 3.5±2.4 2.7±1.2
4 DeepPix[10] 36.7±29.7 13.3±16.8 25.0±12.7
GRADIANT[18] 5.0±4.5 15.0±7.1 10.0±5.0
Auxiliary[17] 9.3±5.6 10.4±6.0 9.5±6.0
FaceDs[19] 5.1±6.3 6.1±5.1 5.6±5.7
DSGT[5] 6.7±7.5 3.3±4.1 5.0±2.2
STDN[20] 2.3±3.6 5.2±5.4 3.8±4.2
EL-FAS 1.6±3.7 5.8±8.3 3.7±4.0

Table 6

The intra-dataset test results on SiW  单位: %"

1 Auxiliary[17] 3.58 3.58 3.58
DSGT[5] 0.64 0.17 0.40
STDN[20] 0 0 0
EL-FAS 0 0 0
2 Auxiliary[17] 0.57±0.69 0.57±0.69 0.57±0.69
DSGT[5] 0 0.04±0.08 0.02±0.04
STDN[20] 0 0 0
EL-FAS 0.08±0.14 0 0.04±0.07
3 Auxiliary[17] 8.31±3.81 8.31±3.80 8.31±3.81
STDN[20] 8.33±3.33 7.50±3.33 7.90±3.30
DSGT[5] 2.63±3.72 2.92±3.42 2.78±3.57
EL-FAS 25.80±23.50 0 12.90±11.70

Table 7

The inter-dataset test results between CASIA-FASD and Replay-Attack  单位: % "

CNN[3] 48.5 45.5
FaceDs[19] 28.5 41.1
Auxiliary[16] 27.6 28.4
EL-FAS 31.2 31.1

Table 8

The inter-dataset test results from SiW to OULU-NPU dataset  单位: %"

1 Auxiliary[17] 10.0
DSGT[5] 1.7 13.3 7.5
EL-FAS 3.3 4.6 3.9
2 Auxiliary[17] 14.1
DSGT[5] 9.7 14.2 11.9
EL-FAS 3.1 20.5 11.8
3 Auxiliary[17] 13.8±5.7
DSGT[5] 17.5±4.6 11.7±12.0 14.6±4.8
EL-FAS 3.9±2.8 10.8±3.8 7.4±2.5
4 Auxiliary[17] 10.0±8.8
DSGT[5] 0.8±1.9 10.0±11.6 5.4±5.7
EL-FAS 0.8±1.8 3.7±4.3 2.3±2.4

Table 9

The lightweight indicator comparison  单位: 个"

方法 参数量 浮点运算量
LSTM-CNN[4] 2.07×106 4.77×109
DSGT[5] 5.53×106 773.40×109
Depth[8] 9.25×106 20.57×109
BASN[9] 80.40×106 274.13×109
DeepPix[10] 3.20×106 4.62×109
EL-FAS 1.34×106 0.79×109
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