Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science) ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (6): 105-114.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1672-3961.0.2021.304

• Machine Learning & Data Mining • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Named entity recognition model based on dilated convolutional block architecture

Yue YUAN1(),Yanli WANG2,Kan LIU2,*()   

  1. 1. Department of Information Management, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
    2. School of Information and Safety Engineering, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, Hubei, China
  • Received:2021-06-09 Online:2022-12-20 Published:2022-12-23
  • Contact: Kan LIU;


Inspired by the dilated convolution, a column-wise dilated convolution towards two dimensional text embedding was proposed and a dilated convolutional block architecture was designed. A named entity recognition model based on the architecture was built for further experiments. In the named entity recognition experiment, the model surpassed other baseline models in the metrics of precision, recall, and F1 value, respectively reaching 0.918 7, 0.879 4, and 0.898 6, indicating that the dilated convolutional block architecture obtained features from context information, thereby supporting the extraction of the long-term dependency. The receptive field experiment showed that it was necessary to jointly adjust the dilation rate and the convolution kernel size to reduce the "gridding effect". The dilated convolutional block architecture proposed could effectively perform the task of named entity recognition.

Key words: named entity recognition, dilated convolutional block architecture, receptive field, neural network, deep learning

CLC Number: 

  • TP391


Examples of receptive field expansion when increasing kernel size S or dilation rate r"


Comparison of receptive field between stacking standard convolutional layers or dilated convolutional layers"


Structure of dilated convolutional block"


Two-dimensional text embedding and dilated convolution on picture"


Column-wise dilated convolution"


Dilated convolutional block architecture"


Named entity recognition model based on dilated convolutional block architecture"


Named entity recognition model based on dilated convolutional layer"

Table 1

Statistics of dataset  个"

新闻句子数量 平均句子长度(汉字字符) 最长句子长度(汉字字符) 最短句子长度(汉字字符) 人物标签数量 地点标签数量 组织标签数量
50 729 47 1476 5 19 588 39 394 21 902

Table 2

Experiment results of named entity recognition (Location)"

是否有CRF层 模型 P R F1
没有CRF层 Bi-LSTM-Softmax 0.750 2 0.715 0 0.732 2
IDCNN-Softmax 0.769 9 0.770 9 0.770 4
DCL-Bi-LSTM-Softmax 0.792 9 0.758 4 0.775 3
DCBA-Bi-LSTM-Softmax 0.797 6 0.824 8 0.811 0
有CRF层 Bi-LSTM-CRF 0.869 9 0.808 5 0.838 0
IDCNN-CRF 0.900 9 0.824 8 0.861 2
DCL-Bi-LSTM-CRF 0.906 1 0.861 7 0.883 3
DCBA-Bi-LSTM-CRF 0.918 7 0.879 4 0.898 6

Table 3

Experiment results of named entity recognition (Person)"

是否有CRF层 模型 P R F1
没有CRF层 Bi-LSTM-Softmax 0.764 5 0.770 7 0.767 6
IDCNN-Softmax 0.797 8 0.783 8 0.790 7
DCL-Bi-LSTM-Softmax 0.816 9 0.816 5 0.816 7
DCBA-Bi-LSTM-Softmax 0.823 0 0.796 9 0.809 7
有CRF层 Bi-LSTM-CRF 0.846 0 0.817 0 0.831 3
IDCNN-CRF 0.849 7 0.815 0 0.832 0
DCL-Bi-LSTM-CRF 0.897 4 0.837 7 0.866 5
DCBA-Bi-LSTM-CRF 0.889 1 0.824 1 0.855 3

Table 4

Experiment results of named entity recognition (Organization)"

是否有CRF层 模型 P R F1
没有CRF层 Bi-LSTM-Softmax 0.543 3 0.622 1 0.580 0
IDCNN-Softmax 0.631 8 0.676 9 0.653 6
DCL-Bi-LSTM-Softmax 0.633 8 0.652 9 0.643 2
DCBA-Bi-LSTM-Softmax 0.681 1 0.733 3 0.706 2
有CRF层 Bi-LSTM-CRF 0.755 6 0.731 8 0.743 5
IDCNN-CRF 0.774 9 0.770 8 0.772 9
DCL-Bi-LSTM-CRF 0.835 4 0.777 6 0.805 4
DCBA-Bi-LSTM-CRF 0.835 3 0.815 2 0.825 1

Table 5

Experiment results of named entity recognition (Total)"

是否有CRF层 模型 P R F1
没有CRF层 Bi-LSTM-Softmax 0.704 4 0.712 9 0.708 6
IDCNN-Softmax 0.747 1 0.754 8 0.751 0
DCL-Bi-LSTM-Softmax 0.765 0 0.754 4 0.759 6
DCBA-Bi-LSTM-Softmax 0.779 0 0.796 2 0.787 5
有CRF层 Bi-LSTM-CRF 0.837 0 0.794 7 0.815 3
IDCNN-CRF 0.855 8 0.810 1 0.832 3
DCL-Bi-LSTM-CRF 0.888 3 0.835 9 0.861 3
DCBA-Bi-LSTM-CRF 0.891 0 0.847 9 0.868 9


Learning curves for models using CRF"


Learning curves for models using Softmax"

Table 6

Settings and results for receptive field experiments (Setting 1)"

模型 r S(高×宽×数量) 感受野 P R F1
DCL-Bi-LSTM-Softmax 1 10×50×1 10 0.642 8 0.646 2 0.644 5
DCBA-Bi-LSTM-Softmax 1 10×50×1 10 0.689 0 0.721 7 0.705 0

Table 7

Settings and results for receptive field experiments (Setting 2)"

模型 r S(高×宽×数量) 感受野 P R F1
DCL-Bi-LSTM-Softmax 2 10×50×1 19 0.658 0 0.646 5 0.652 2
DCBA-Bi-LSTM-Softmax 2 10×50×1 19 0.723 4 0.744 2 0.733 6

Table 8

Settings and results for receptive field experiments (Setting 3)"

模型 r S(高×宽×数量) 感受野 P R F1
DCL-Bi-LSTM-Softmax 4 10×50×1 37 0.673 2 0.657 5 0.665 3
DCBA-Bi-LSTM-Softmax 4 10×50×1 37 0.754 1 0.756 1 0.755 1

Table 9

Settings and results for receptive field experiments (Setting 4)"

模型 r S(高×宽×数量) 感受野 P R F1
DCL-Bi-LSTM-Softmax 8 10×50×1 73 0.650 2 0.643 7 0.647 0
DCBA-Bi-LSTM-Softmax 8 10×50×1 73 0.753 2 0.751 6 0.752 4
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