Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science) ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (1): 1-10.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1672-3961.0.2022.137

• Transportation Engineering-special topics on road materials •     Next Articles

Comprehensive properties of red mud asphalt mixture based on organic and inorganic modification

Jizhe ZHANG1(),Zixuan GANG1,Yufeng BI2,Hongya YUE2,Run XU2,Tingting DING2,Shijie QI2   

  1. 1. School of Qilu Transportation, Shandong University, Jinan 250002, Shandong, China
    2. Shandong Provincial Communications Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd., Jinan 250101, Shandong, China
  • Received:2022-04-06 Online:2023-02-20 Published:2023-02-13


Focused on the issues of red mud utilization and road building material shortage, this paper put forward the research idea of utilizing red mud as the succedaneum of limestone powder to prepare asphalt mixture. Modification methods which included inorganic powder blending (cement, slaked lime) and organic coupling agent surface modification (silane coupling agent KH-550, KH-560) were proposed with the view of solving moisture sensitivity of red mud-bitumen interface, with the influence of modification means on performance of red mud asphalt mixture were also studied. The performance of red mud asphalt mixture before and after modification were systematically evaluated by using dynamic stability test, Marshall test, Hamburg rut test, dynamic modulus test and two-point bending fatigue test. It was found that the red mud could improve the high-temperature performance of asphalt mixture, but had negative effects on the moisture stability, cracking resistance and fatigue life. After red mud modification, the high and low temperature performance, moisture stability and long-term durability of red mud asphalt mixture were improved to varying degrees, and the surface modification effect of silane coupling agent performed better. It was proved the feasibility of using red mud to produce asphalt mixture and provided a new approach for red mud utilization.

Key words: red mud, asphalt mixture, modification, moisture stability, fatigue

CLC Number: 

  • U414

Table 1

Basic performance indicators of 70# matrix bitumen"

指标 软化点/℃ 针入度(25 ℃)/(0.1 mm) 延度(15 ℃)/cm
结果 46.2 68.3 >150
规范要求 ≥46.0 60.0~80.0 ≥100

Table 2

Specific surface area of different powder materials"

粉体种类 比表面积/(m2·g-1)
矿粉 0.502
赤泥 22.265
消石灰 9.693
水泥 1.538

Table 3

Gradation composition of AC-20 asphalt mixture"

矿料组成 筛孔尺寸/mm 级配组成/%
集料 15~20 24
10~15 20
5~10 21
3~5 11
0~3 19
矿粉 5

Table 4

Density of different powders"

填料 密度/(g·cm-3)
矿粉 2.775
赤泥 2.613
消石灰 2.319
水泥 3.210
KH-550改性赤泥 2.587
KH-560改性赤泥 2.598

Table 5

Filler composition and sample ID of asphalt mixtures"

样品编号 填料组成
AC-LP 石灰岩矿粉
AC-RM 赤泥
AC-RH m(赤泥)∶m(消石灰)=9∶1
AC-RP m(赤泥)∶m(水泥)=9∶1
AC-R550 m(赤泥)∶m(硅烷偶联剂550)=100∶1
AC-R560 m(赤泥)∶m(硅烷偶联剂560)=100∶1

Table 6

Dynamic stability of asphalt mixtures"

混合料类型 动稳定度/(次·mm-1)
AC-LP 880
AC-RM 1086
AC-RH 1255
AC-RP 1194
AC-R550 1270
AC-R560 1250

Table 7

Maximum bending strain of asphalt mixture"

混合料类型 弯拉应变/10-3
AC-LP 4.106
AC-RM 3.869
AC-RH 4.583
AC-RP 4.438
AC-R550 4.649
AC-R560 4.598

Table 8

Marshall residual stability of asphalt mixtures"

混合料类型 残留稳定度/%
AC-LP 87.8
AC-RM 67.1
AC-RH 86.3
AC-RP 84.9
AC-R550 91.8
AC-R560 86.7


Hamburg rutting of asphalt mixtures under 50 ℃ dry condition"


Hamburg rutting of asphalt mixtures under 50 ℃ water bath condition"


Dynamic modulus of asphalt mixtures at different temperatures"


Phase angle of asphalt mixtures at different temperatures"

Table 9

Dynamic modulus and phase angle at different temperatures at 10 Hz"

混合料类型 5 ℃ 20 ℃ 35 ℃ 50 ℃
动态模量/ MPa 相位角/ (°) 动态模量/ MPa 相位角/ (°) 动态模量/ MPa 相位角/ (°) 动态模量/ MPa 相位角/ (°)
AC-LP 20 496 11.62 8722 25.83 3097 36.63 708.6 38.32
AC-RM 17 637 10.48 9700 25.67 3007 36.03 724.0 36.24
AC-RH 20 644 10.09 10 160 25.47 3149 35.90 732.5 35.89
AC-RP 21 910 9.66 10 842 23.97 3353 36.87 787.5 37.77
AC-R550 21 918 11.78 10 470 25.91 3216 36.89 798.0 38.41
AC-R560 20 674 12.01 10 130 25.99 3197 36.97 793.0 38.19

Table 10

Fatigue life of different asphalt mixtures"

混合料类型 疲劳寿命/次
AC-LP 104 147
AC-RM 45 746
AC-RH 61 548
AC-RP 70 948
AC-R550 94 361
AC-R560 86 732
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