Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science) ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (6): 63-78.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1672-3961.0.2022.231

• Civil Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Development of numerical calculation for coupled multi-field problems in cracked/porous media

Yiming ZHANG1(),Yunpeng LI1,Jing LI1,Junyu CONG2   

  1. 1. School of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China
    2. Gdem Technology Beijing Company Limited, Beijing 100085, China
  • Received:2022-07-15 Online:2022-12-20 Published:2022-12-23


Numerical methods of coupled multi-field problems proposed in recent years were reviewed and summarized, from the simple weakly coupled thermo-mechanical to the complicated strongly coupled thermos-hydro-chemo- mechanical problems, from the coupled problem of continuous solid to discontinuous solid. The work was presented in a smooth and progressive manner.This study made a prospect for the future development of multi-field coupling numerical calculation.

Key words: coupled multi-field analysis, numerical simulation, hydrolic fracture, fractured porous media, review

CLC Number: 

  • TU311.4


Thermal-mechanical coupling mechanism"


Heat conduction in lamina"


Water-gas-heat coupling mechanism"


Schematic diagram of thermal-mechanical coupling damage process"


Diagram of particles in rocks squeeze each other"


Cracking of disk under thermal-mechanical coupling"


Hydro-mechanical coupling mechanism"


Comparison between finite element solution and analytical solution"


Analysis of hydro-mechanical coupling process"


Discrete element crack propagation and fluid penetration"


Coupling mechanism of thermal-hydro-mechanical in rock"


Influence of water pressure on maximum principal stress distribution under thermal-hydro-mechanical coupling"


Thermal-hydro-chemical-mechanical coupling mechanism"


Phase-fieldstrainnephogram of shrinkage and cracking of concrete ring at different times"

Table 1

Index of various numerical methods"

数值方法 文献
连续介质方法 FDM 煤层分段水力压裂渗流诱导应力场的数值模拟[42]
FEM Moisture and heat transport in hysteretic, inhomogeneous porous media: a matric head-based formulation and a numerical model[14]
A linear analysis of thermal effects on evaporation from soil[15]
BEM 等参管单元及其在热传导问题边界元法中的应用[82]
XFEM 非均质材料热传导问题的扩展有限元法[85]
非连续介质方法 PFC The distinct element analysis for hydraulic fracturing in hard rock considering fluid viscosity and particle size distribution[52]
Numerical investigation on permeability evolution behavior of rock byan improved flow-coupling algorithm in particle flow code[88]
DEM 流体-固体两相流的数值模拟[90]
DDA DDA in fluid-structure problems for the study of gravity dam failure[91]
UDEC 基于离散单元法的裂隙岩体渗流与应力耦合作用机制研究[94]
连续/非连续混合方法 FEM/BEM Simulating fully 3D hydraulic fracturing. modeling in geomechanics[53]
Stress shadow effects andmicroseismic events during hydrofracturing of multiple vertical wells in tight reservoirs: a three-dimensional numerical model[87]
DEM/BEM 基于连续介质模型的离散元方法中弹簧性质研究[97]
CDEM 基于连续-非连续元三维煤层气压裂开采分析[54]
A novel three-dimensional hydraulic fracturing model based on continuum-discontinuum element method[98]
A two-scale contact model for collisions between blocks in CDEM[99]

Table 2

Index of multi-field coupling"

温度场 应力场 湿度场 气压场 化学场 裂缝扩展 文献
Thermo-mechanically-induced thermal conductivity change and its effect on the behaviour of concrete[3]
Simulation of electro-migration through peridynamics[4]
Fully coupled thermomechanical analysis of fiber reinforced composites usingperidynamics[5]
Moisture and heat transport in hysteretic, inhomogeneous porous media: a matric head-based formulation and a numerical model[14]
A linear analysis of thermal effects on evaporation from soil[16]
The distinct element analysis for hydraulic fracturing in hard rock considering fluid viscosity and particle size distribution[52]
Simulating fully 3D hydraulic fracturing[53]
Chemoplastic material model for the simulation of early-age cracking: from the constitutive law to numerical analyses of massive concrete structures[71]
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