Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science) ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (1): 1-10.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1672-3961.0.2020.382

• Control Science & Engineering •     Next Articles

Overview of multi-motion vision odometer

Fengyu ZHOU(),Panlong GU*(),Fang WAN,Lei YIN,Jiakai HE   

  1. School of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, Shandong, China
  • Received:2020-09-15 Online:2021-02-20 Published:2021-03-01
  • Contact: Panlong GU;


Multi-motion visual odometry (MVO) was an algorithm for estimating the pose change of dynamic objects in dynamic scenes. It was of great theoretical significance and practical value in autonomous things (AuT). The development process and the latest research progress of multi-motion visual odometer in robot field were reviewed. The important research results of multi-motion visual odometer with the fusion of semantic and geometric features were introduced. Based on the same evaluation criteria and datasets, this research compared several common methods, and prospected the future development direction of multi motion visual odometer.

Key words: visual odometer, MVO, visual simultaneous localization and mapping, dynamic culling, interframe estimation

CLC Number: 

  • TP391.4


MVO computing framework"


Image segmentation effect optimized"


Projection relationship from 3D box to 2D box"


The dataset used in this paper"

Table 1

Positioning accuracy of TUM data set, absolute position error, rmse cm"

子数据集名称 算法名称
ORB-SLAM2 DynaSLAM 文献[12]算法 Dynamic-SLAM MaskFusion
fr2_desk_ps 4.971 0.8 1.873
fr3_sit_half 1.992 1.62 1.461 5.2
fr3_sit_rpy 5.811 3.448
fr3_sit_xyz 0.836 1.3 0.9 0.601 3.1
fr3_walk_half 3.714 2.1 1.99 2.139 10.6
fr3_walk_rpy 10.528 2.999 6.025
fr3_walk_xyz 1.431 1.4 1.39 1.324 10.4

Table 2

Positioning accuracy of TUM data set, relative position error, rmse cm"

子数据集名称 算法名称
ORB-SLAM2 DVO 文献[12]算法 Dynamic-SLAM BaMVO MaskFusion
fr2_desk_ps 2.584 2.96 0.051 1.958 2.96
fr3_sit_half 1.694 10.05 1.57 1.451 5.89 4.1
fr3_sit_rpy 6.495 17.35 4.303 18.72
fr3_sit_xyz 0.948 4.53 1.37 0.998 4.82 4.6
fr3_walk_half 3.795 26.28 2.192 17.38 9.3
fr3_walk_rpy 6.776 40.38 4.48 5.605 35.84
fr3_walk_xyz 1.772 54.01 2.02 1.796 23.26 9.7

Table 3

Positioning accuracy of TUM data set, relative rotation error, rmse cm"

子数据集名称 算法名称
ORB-SLAM2 DVO 文献[12]算法 Dynamic-SLAM BaMVO MaskFusion
fr2_desk_ps 0.891 1.392 0 0.356 1 0.833 1.116 7
fr3_sit_half 0.581 4.464 9 0.921 0 0.551 2.880 4 2.07
fr3_sit_rpy 1.368 6.016 4 0.991 5.983 4
fr3_sit_xyz 0.557 1.498 0 0.509 1 0.613 1.388 5 1.25
fr3_walk_half 0.763 5.217 9 0.666 4.286 3 3.35
fr3_walk_rpy 1.278 7.066 2 0.954 3 1.149 6.339 8
fr3_walk_xyz 1.825 7.666 9 0.541 5 0.598 4.391 1 2.0

Table 4

Test results on KITTI dataset"

KITTI序列 ORB-SLAM2 DynaSLAM Cluster SLAM Cluster Vo 文献[37]
ATE/ cm RRE/ cm RPE/ (°) ATE/ cm RRE/ cm RPE/ (°) ATE/ cm RRE/ cm RPE/ (°) ATE/ cm RRE/ cm RPE/ (°) ATE/ cm
0926_0009 0.91 0.01 1.89 7.51 0.06 2.17 0.92 0.03 2.34 0.79 0.03 2.98 1.14
0926_0013 0.30 0.01 0.94 1.97 0.04 1.41 2.12 0.07 5.50 0.26 0.01 1.16 0.35
0926_0014 0.56 0.01 1.15 5.98 0.09 2.73 0.81 0.03 2.24 0.48 0.01 1.04 0.51
0926_0051 0.37 0.00 1.10 10.95 0.10 1.65 1.19 0.03 1.44 0.81 0.02 2.74 0.76
0926_0101 3.42 0.03 14.27 10.24 0.13 12.29 4.02 0.02 12.43 3.18 0.02 12.78 5.30
0929_0004 0.44 0.01 1.22 2.59 0.02 2.03 1.12 0.02 2.78 0.40 0.02 1.77 0.40
1003_0047 18.87 0.05 28.32 9.31 0.05 6.58 10.21 0.06 8.94 4.79 0.05 6.54 1.03


Accuracy difference between MVO and cluster VO"

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