Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science) ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (6): 70-81.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1672-3961.0.2023.093

• Civil Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Parameter design and effect evaluation of pile side splitting grouting insilty clay stratum

Yuxin WANG1(),Sizhong LÜ2,Wang YAO2,Chunjin LIN1,*(),Ming ZHANG1,Zhaofeng LI1,Jian ZHANG1,Yansheng WANG1   

  1. 1. Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Research Center, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, Shandong, China
    2. Shangdong Hi-speed Company Limited, Jinan 250014, Shandong, China
  • Received:2023-05-14 Online:2023-12-20 Published:2023-12-19
  • Contact: Chunjin LIN;


Aiming at the problem of insufficient bearing capacity of in-service pile foundation in silty clay stratum, numerical simulation and field test were used to realize the parameter design and reinforcement effect evaluation of in-service pile foundation grouting. The expanding form of split grouting vein was analyzed, the finite element model of grouting pressure transmission was established by applying volume strain to the vein, the distribution law of radial pressure on the pile side in silty clay stratum under different grouting conditions was studied, and the design method of grouting parameters was put forward. The attenuation of earth pressure with distance was nonlinear. Under certain soil parameters, when the grouting pressure was 2.0 MPa and the distance between grouting hole and pile side was 0.5 m, the radial pressure transmitted to pile side was larger. At the same time, taking the pile foundation in the reconstruction and expansion site of Beijing-Taibei Expressway as a model, the contour map of the increase range of pile foundation bearing capacity under different working conditions was drawn, and the pile foundation bearing capacity was increased by 30.3%-89.4% after grouting reinforcement, which provided reference for the reinforcement effect of in-service pile foundations.

Key words: silty clay, pile side grouting, pile bearing capacity, numerical simulation, reinforcement effect evaluation

CLC Number: 

  • TU43


Analysis model of in-service pile foundation strengthened by split grouting"


Model stressnephogram"

Table 1

Numerical simulation parameter settings"

模型组份 E/MPa ν ρ/(kg·m-3) c/kPa φ/(°)
粉质黏土 5~10 0.30 1 836 20~40 20
桩基 2×104 0.15
浆脉 1.24 0

Table 2

Numerical simulation design conditions"

工况 模型参数设计
E/MPa c/kPa s/m D/m L/m
1-1 5.0 20 0.50 1.0 1.00
1-2 7.5 20 0.50 1.0 1.00
1-3 10.0 20 0.50 1.0 1.00
1-4 10.0 30 0.50 1.0 1.00
1-5 10.0 40 0.50 1.0 1.00
1-6 10.0 20 0.75 1.0 1.00
1-7 10.0 20 1.00 1.0 1.00
1-8 10.0 20 0.50 0.8 1.00
1-9 10.0 20 0.50 1.2 1.00
1-10 10.0 20 0.50 1.0 0.75
1-11 10.0 20 0.50 1.0 0.50


Radial earth pressure distribution on pile side and width of slurry veins under different grouting pressures"


Earth pressure transfer ratio underdifferent grouting pressures"


Radial earth pressure distribution on pile side and width of slurry vein under different E"


Earth pressure transfer ratio under different E"


Radial earth pressure distribution on pile side and width of slurry vein under different soil cohesion"


Earth pressure transfer ratio under different soil cohesion"


Radial earth pressure distribution on pile side"

Table 3

Spread width of grout vein under different distances from grouting hole to pile side"

注浆压力/MPa 浆脉的扩展宽度/cm
注浆孔到桩侧的距离0.50 m 注浆孔到桩侧的距离0.75 m 注浆孔到桩侧的距离1.00 m
0.5 1.04 0.97 0.75
1.0 3.56 2.57 2.09
1.5 9.28 6.21 5.12
2.0 6.46 4.36 3.52


Earth pressure transfer ratio under different opening distances"

Table 4

Radial pressures transmitted to the pile side by grouting under different pile diameters"

注浆压力/MPa 径向压力/kPa
桩体直径0.8 m 桩体直径1.0 m 桩体直径1.2 m
0.5 19.04 18.70 18.50
1.0 46.46 45.66 45.20
1.5 70.78 70.31 70.40
2.0 95.24 95.92 95.26


Radial earth pressure distribution on pile side and width of slurry vein under different slurry vein lengths"


Earth pressure transfer ratio under different slurry vein lengths"


Schematic diagram of the zoning effect of grouting reinforcement"


Design of groutingparameters based on pile foundation reinforcement effect"

Table 5

Field soil properties parameter"

土层名称 深度/m ρ/(kg·m-3) c/kPa φ/(°) E /MPa
粉质黏土 2.1~4.6 1 907.3 20.3 23.6 4.5
粉土 4.6~7.2 2 784.6 14.6 16.8 10.0
粉砂 7.2~12.3
粉质黏土 12.3~16.5 2 570.4 17.6 20.3 8.9
粉质黏土 16.5~18.5 2 091.0 17.5 18.3 5.5
粉质黏土 18.5~29.6 1 866.6 18.9 24.7 6.1


Test piles in the field"

Table 6

Measured and calculated values of bearing capacity of in-service pile foundations reinforced by grouting"

桩号 注浆深度/m Δσh/kPa Δfs/kPa ΔQsu/kN Qu/kN 提升幅度/%
实测 计算 实测 计算
3# 6~8
1 836 8 600 8 436 30.3 27.8
5# 6~8
2 836 11 800 10 236 78.8 55.1
6# 6~8
3 895 12 500 11 395 89.4 72.6


Contour diagram of pile foundation bearing capacity improvement range under different working conditions"

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