Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science) ›› 2020, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (6): 48-58.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1672-3961.0.2020.229

• Machine Learning & Data Mining • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Design pattern classification mining with feature metrics constraints

Zhuoyu XIAO1(),Pei HE2,Guo CHEN1,Yunbiao XU1,Jie GUO1   

  1. 1. School of Information Engineering, Hunan Industry Polytechnic, Changsha 410208, Hunan, China
    2. School of Computer Science and Cyber Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, Guangdong, China
  • Received:2020-06-07 Online:2020-12-20 Published:2020-12-15


To solve low accuracy for design pattern mining, a method for design pattern classification mining with feature metrics constraints was presented. 47 feature metrics information based on structural pattern, behavioral pattern and creative pattern was classified and summarized, and definition of design pattern were given, and features of design patterns were described, three benchmark systems and four well-known system experiments for design pattern mining were designed. Experimental results show that proposed method is effective, and the accuracy of the proposed method was 96.13%, 91.67%, 72.23% for Adapter pattern. Command pattern and Factory method pattern for three benchmark systems, and the accuracy of the proposed method is 84.3%, 81.26%, 73.17% for Adapter, Command and Factory Method of design pattern for four well-known systems, compared to well-known methods by experiment of design pattern mining, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Key words: design pattern, design pattern mining, metrics constraints, classification, feature description

CLC Number: 

  • TP311


Frame of design pattern classification mining with feature metrics constraints"

Table 1

Feature index"

特征指标编号 特征指标名称 特征指标描述
F1 GetAllInterface(Class1, Class2, …, Classi, …) 取得接口信息, 其中Classi中下标i表示参与者序号
F2 GetAllClass(Class1, Class2, …, Classi, …) 取得类信息, 其中Classi中的下标i表示参与者序号
F3 HasGeneralization(Class1, Class2) Class1和Class2之间有泛化(Generalization)关系
F4 HasAssociation(Class1, Class2) Class1和Class2之间有关联(Association)关系
F5 HasAggregation (Class1, Class2) Class1和Class2之间有聚合(Aggregation)关系
F6 HasDelegation(Class1, Methodi, Class2, Methodj) Class1的Methodi方法代理了Class2的方法Methodj, 其中下标ij表示参与者Class中方法的序号
F7 NoHasAssociation(Class1, Class 2) Class1和Class2之间没有Association关系
F8 NoHasAggregation(Class1, Class2) Class1和Class2之间没有Aggregation关系
F9 HasCommonOperation(Class1, Class2, Method) Class1和Class2之间具有相同的Method
F10 HasAnnotation(Classi, Interfacej, Methodk) 对Class、Interface和Method进行标识, 其中下标ijk依次表示类、接口和方法的序号
F11 HasParameter(Method, Parameteri) Method可以拥有多个参数Parameteri, 其中下标i表示参数序号
F12 HasReturnValue(Methodi, Valuej) Methodi可存在返回值Valuei, 其中下标i表示参与者Method中方法的序号, j表示返回值Value的序号
F13 HasSameSignature(Methodi, Methodj) Methodi和Methodj具有相同的方法签名, 其中下标ij表示方法的序号
F14 HasCommonChildClasses(Class1, Class2, …, Classi…) 基类拥有i个派生类Classi, 其中下标i表示派生类的序号
F47 HasType(Variablei, Typej) 变量Variable的类型为Type, 其中下标i表示变量的序号, j表示Java变量的类型, 如整型、浮点型、字符型、日期型等


Definition of design pattern Feature index"


Adapter pattern"

Table 2

Description of adapter pattern feature index"

序号 特征指标描述
1 HasClass(Client, Adaptee, Target, Adapter)
2 HasAssociation (Adaptee, Adapter)
3 HasDelegation (Adaptee, Specific_Request, Adapter, Request)
4 HasGeneralization(Target, Adapter)
5 HasNoCommonInterface (Adaptee, Specific_Request, Adapter, Request)
6 HasNoInheritance (Target, Adaptee)
7 HasNoInheritance (Adaptee, Adapter)
8 HasNoDirectAccess (Adaptee, Client)
9 HasOperation (Adaptee, Specific_Request)
10 IsConcrete(Specific_Request)
11 IsInterface(Target)


Command pattern"

Table 3

Description of command pattern feature index"

序号 特征指标描述
1 HasClasses(Client, Command, Invoker, Concrete_Command, Receiver) & & IsInterface(Command)
2 HasInheritance(Concrete_Command, Command)
3 HasAggregate (Command, Invoker)
4 HasDelegation(Concrete_Command, Execute, Receiver, Action)
5 HasAssociation(Concrete_Command, Receiver)
6 HasCommonOperation(Concrete_Command, Command, Execute)
7 HasAccess(Receiver, Client)
8 HasOperation (Concrete_Command, state)
9 HasOperation (Receiver, Action)


Factory method pattern"

Table 4

Description of factory method pattern feature index"

序号 特征指标描述
1 HasClasses (Concrete_Product, Product, Concrete_Creator, Creator) & & IsInterface(Concrete_Creator, Product)
2 HasInheritance(Concrete_Product, Product)
3 HasDependency (Concrete_Product, Factory_Method)
4 HasGeneralization (Concrete_Creator, Creator)
5 HasNoInheritance(FactoryMethod, Concrete_Product, Product)
6 HasCommonOperation (Concrete_Creator, Creator, FactoryMethod)
7 HasClass (Factory_Method)
8 IsAbstract(Factory_Method)
9 HasReturnValue (Factory_Method, Concrete_Product)
10 HasReturntype(Factory_Method, Product)

Table 5

Parameters of benchmark system"

基准系统名称 类的个数 千行代码数
JhotDraw 6.0b1 300 19
Apache ant v1.6.2 79 566 895
QuickUML2001 8 792 203

Table 6

Design pattern mining of benchmark system"

设计模式 QuickUML 2001 Apache Ant 1.6.2 JHotDraw6.0 1b
基准 本研究 文献[11] 文献[12] 文献[20] 基准 本研究 文献[11] 文献[12] 文献[20] 基准 本研究 文献[11] 文献[12] 文献[20]
Adapter 38 37 34 32 36 65 63 57 59 62 34 32 29 27 31
Command 1 1 1 0 1 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
Factory 1 1 0 0 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1

Table 7

Average accuracy of three benchmark systems %"

设计模式名称 类型 本研究 文献[11] 文献[12] 文献[20]
adapter 结构型 96.13 87.48 84.80 94.16
Command 行为型 91.67 75.00 33.33 66.67
Factory 创建型 72.23 27.77 27.77 61.10

Table 8

Design pattern of shared instance in QuickUML"

设计模式名称 扮演角色 设计模式参与者位置
Command Command uml.ui.ExportAction
Receiver uml.ui.DiagramContainer
Adapter Target uml.ui.ExportAction
Adapter uml.ui.DiagramContainer.OpenAction
Adaptee javax.swing.JMenuItem

Table 9

Benchmark of classical system feature"

系统 KLOC 包数 类的数量 设计模式名称 标准设计模式基准数量 设计模式变体基准数量 共享模式实例基准数量
经典系统1 Adapter 4 2 1
127.52 8 182 Command 2 1 1
Factory Method 1 0 0
经典系统2 Adapter 6 2 2
150.82 11 243 Command 2 1 1
Factory Method 2 1 1
经典系统3 Adapter 8 4 3
210.65 23 382 Command 4 2 2
Factory Method 3 1 1
经典系统4 Adapter 15 7 5
365.87 64 662 Command 6 3 2
Factory Method 4 3 2

Table 10

Design pattern mining of typic system"

测试系统 模式名 基准数 本研究 本研究方法正确率/% 平均正确率/%
标准 变体 共享 标准 变体 共享 标准 变体 共享
经典系统1 Adapter 4 2 1 4 2 1 100 100 100 100
Command 2 1 1 2 1 1 100 100 100 100
Factory 1 0 0 1 0 0 100
经典系统2 Adapter 6 2 2 6 2 1 100 100 50.0 83.3
Command 2 1 1 2 1 1 100 100 100 100
Factory 2 1 1 2 1 0 100 100 0 66.7
经典系统3 Adapter 8 4 3 7 3 2 87.5 75.0 66.7 76.4
Command 4 2 2 3 1 1 75.0 50.0 50.0 58.3
Factory 3 1 1 2 1 1 66.7 100 100 88.9
经典系统4 Adapter 15 7 5 13 6 3 86.7 85.7 60.0 77.5
Command 6 3 2 5 2 1 83.3 66.7 50.0 66.7
Factory 4 3 2 3 2 1 75.0 66.7 50.0 63.9


Comparison of mining accuracy of design patterns between benchmark system and classic system"

Table 11

Average accuracy of four classic systems"

设计模式名称 设计模式类型 平均正确率/%
Adapter模式 结构型 84.30
Command模式 行为型 81.26
Factory Method模式 创建型 73.17
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