Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science) ›› 2020, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (1): 72-81.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1672-3961.0.2019.201

• Electrical Engineering • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Discussion on emergency control of central air conditioner at large receiving-end grid to cope with HVDC blocking fault

Meng LIU1(),Dingyi CHENG1,Wen ZHANG2,Hengxu ZHANG2,Kuan LI1,Guohui ZHANG1,Jianjun SU1   

  1. 1. State Grid Shandong Electric Power Research Institute, Jinan 250002, Shandong, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Power System Intelligent Dispatch and Control of Ministry of Education (Shandong University), Jinan 250061, Shandong, China
  • Received:2019-05-06 Online:2020-02-20 Published:2020-02-14
  • Supported by:


The central air conditioner had the potential to cope with the DC blocking fault through emergency control, ensure the safe and stable operation of the receiving-end grid after suffering from large power shortage. The basic principle of the central air conditioner was introduced. On this basis, the physical model of the central air conditioner which included central air conditioning unit, temperature change of frozen inflow and outflow water, heat exchange between the cooling water of the fan coil and the room, indoor average temperature change as well as the proportion of the room in the open state were established. An emergency control strategy for direct power cut and flexible recovery of central air conditioning was proposed. The feasibility of the emergency control of the central air conditioning system in response to stability control and under frequency/voltage load shedding were discussed respectively. The characteristics of the central air conditioning emergency control were simulated. The emergency control of central air conditioner was simulated after HVDC blocking fault occurs in Shandong power grid, verifying that the power grid frequency could be increased by 0.04 Hz when central air conditioners accounted for 1% of the total load in Shandong power grid.

Key words: load control, central air conditioner, emergency control, HVDC, bi-polar block fault

CLC Number: 

  • TM732


Principle of central air conditioning system"

Table 1

Power of each equipment for the three major central air-conditioning manufacturers kW"

厂家 单台主机额定功率 单台冷冻泵额定功率 单台冷却泵额定功率 单台室内风机额定功率 单台冷却塔风机额定功率
约克 350~700 20~110 20~110 0.3左右 20
特灵 100~1 000 100左右 100左右 0.1左右 2~10
开利 100~1 000 20~110 20~110 0.1左右 2~10

Table 2

Regional distribution of central air-conditioners maintained by Trane in Shandong power grid 台"

城市 螺杆机数量 离心机数量 总数量
济南 104 83 187
青岛 42 69 111
烟台 18 33 51
潍坊 33 20 53
临沂 8 0 8
日照 16 9 25
威海 30 19 49
东营 46 11 57
淄博 18 10 28
枣庄 7 4 11
聊城 13 18 31
德州 42 11 53
莱芜 4 4 8
菏泽 15 2 17
滨州 10 10 20
泰安 13 18 31
济宁 52 34 86


Power shock at normal starting of central air conditioner"


Architecture for load shedding control system after considering central air conditioner"

Table 3

Parameters of building and central air conditioner"

Cw, l/
Cw, e/
4.96×104 4.96×107 4 200 39.4 6.2×104 1.49×107 4.96×104


Normal starting of central air conditioner"


Simulation of emergency control of central air conditioner"


Diagram of simplified Shandong power grid"


Frequency response results of DC bipolar block"


Frequency response results of DC bipolar block based on decentralized control"


Indoor temperature"

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