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山东大学学报 (工学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (2): 19-25.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1672-3961.0.2020.225

• 机器学习与数据挖掘 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 智能计算与信息处理教育部重点实验室(湘潭大学),湖南 湘潭 411100
  • 收稿日期:2020-06-17 出版日期:2021-04-20 发布日期:2021-04-16
  • 通讯作者: 段鸿轩 E-mail:caoch@xtu.edu.cn;201821562036@smail.xtu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:曹春红(1975—), 女, 湖南湘潭人, 副教授, 博士, 主要研究方向为遥感图像和医学图像处理. E-mail: caoch@xtu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Real-time semantic segmentation of high-resolution remote sensing image based on multi-level feature cascade

Chunhong CAO(),Hongxuan DUAN*(),Ling CAO,Lele ZHANG,Kai HU,Fen XIAO   

  1. The MOE Key Laboratory of Intelligent Computing & Information Processing (Xiangtan University), Xiangtan 411100, Hunan, China
  • Received:2020-06-17 Online:2021-04-20 Published:2021-04-16
  • Contact: Hongxuan DUAN E-mail:caoch@xtu.edu.cn;201821562036@smail.xtu.edu.cn


针对遥感图像语义分割中存在的分割耗时长、分割小目标不准确的问题,提出基于多级特征级联的高分辨率遥感图像快速语义分割模型(multi-level feature cascade network, MFCNet)。该模型主要由特征编码、特征融合以及目标细化3部分组成。特征编码对输入的不同分辨率图像用不同量级主干网络进行特征提取,由于低分辨率图像分辨率较低,使用重量级的主干网络在增加较少参数的情况下可以获取丰富的语义信息,而中、高分辨图像分辨率较大,使用轻量级主干网络既减少参数量又可获取全局信息。中等和低分辨率的编码使用权重和计算共享的方式,进一步减少模型参数,降低计算复杂性。特征融合对来自不同分支的特征进行融合,以获取不同尺度的信息。目标细化采用残差校正对融合后的特征和编码部分的特征进行融合校正,以恢复图像的空间细节信息,使分割更加准确。该模型可以端到端的方式有效地工作,试验验证所提模型在遥感图像语义分割中的有效性,在模型复杂性和精度上取得较好的平衡。

关键词: 遥感图像, 实时语义分割, 多级特征融合, 特征提取, 端到端


Aiming at the problems of long segmentation time and inaccurate segmentation of small targets in remote sensing image semantic segmentation, a fast semantic segmentation model of high-resolution remote sensing image based on multi-level feature cascade network (MFCNet) was proposed. The model was mainly composed of feature encoding, feature fusion and target refinement. Feature encoding extracted the input images feature of different resolutions and used different backbone networks. Due to the lower resolution of low-resolution images, heavy-weight backbone networks were used to obtain rich semantic information with fewer parameters. For medium and high-resolution images, lightweight backbone network was used to reduce the amount of parameters and obtain global information. While medium and low-resolution encoding used the way of weights and calculation sharing to further reduce model parameters and computational complexity. The feature fusion section fused features from different branches to obtain information at different scales. The target refinement used residual to correction the fused features and the features of the coded part to restore the spatial detail information of the image, making the segmentation more accurate. And the entire model worked efficiently in an end-to-end manner. The experimental verified the validity of the model in semantic segmentation of remote sensing images, and achieved a good balance between model complexity and accuracy.

Key words: remote sensing image, real-time semantic segmentation, multi-level feature fusion, feature extraction, end-to-end


  • TP18













方法 F1 OA mIOU
不透水的表面 建筑物 低植被 树木 汽车 平均
UNet 85.14 89.24 73.21 82.12 71.84 80.31 83.82 67.88
ICNet 85.84 90.36 72.71 81.99 36.86 73.55 83.68 61.69
PSPNet 85.68 90.13 73.46 83.02 65.40 79.53 84.52 67.20
MFCNet 86.90 91.02 75.26 83.54 74.15 82.18 85.53 70.53



方法 F1 OA mIOU
不透水的表面 建筑物 低植被 树木 汽车 平均
UNet 88.16 89.74 80.68 80.36 88.90 85.57 86.04 75.12
ICNet 88.49 90.10 78.22 77.73 79.75 82.86 85.19 71.20
PSPNet 90.04 93.59 82.08 80.89 88.00 86.92 87.89 77.25
MFCNet 89.84 92.98 81.37 79.76 90.82 86.91 87.47 77.39



方法 分割图像的平均时间/s 参数量
UNet 26.38 7846822
ICNet 64.85 6743442
PSPNet 31.28 46692053
MFCNet 34.17 7795320



方法 分割图像的平均时间/s 参数量
UNet 194.55 7846822
ICNet 908.18 6743442
PSPNet 220.13 46692053
MFCNet 210.40 7795320



分支 OA F1 mIOU
分支1 81.70 77.02 63.72
分支2 85.53 82.18 70.53
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