Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science) ›› 2023, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (5): 1-9, 19.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1672-3961.0.2022.357

• Machine Learning & Date Mining •     Next Articles

Resilience evaluation system of the old community based on cloud model

Yujiang FAN1,2(),Huanhuan HUANG1,Jiaxiong DING2,Kai LIAO2,Binshan YU3   

  1. 1. School of Architecture, Chang′an University, Xi′an 710061, Shaanxi, China
    2. College of Architectural Engineering, Chang′an University, Xi′an 710061, Shaanxi, China
    3. College of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi′an 710072, Shaanxi, China
  • Received:2022-10-24 Online:2023-10-20 Published:2023-10-19


In order to accurately and efficiently improve the living environment quality of old urban communities and improve their disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities, a resilience evaluation system of the old community based on cloud model was proposed. Based on the resilience theory, the selected old communities were grouped according to different ages. Through field research, 30 groups of representative old communities characteristic data in Xi′an, Shaanxi Province were obtained. With reference to relevant literature and relevant expert suggestions, the building resilience, facility resilience, environmental resilience, and personnel resilience were determined. A total of 4 first-level indicators, 9 second-level indicators, and 30 third-level indicators constituted the evaluation index system of old communities. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used to determine the subjective weight of each index, entropy weight method (EWN) and method based on the removal effects of criteria (MEREC) were used to determine its objective weight, combined weighting method was used to determine its final weight, and MATLAB was used to construct the resilience evaluation system of the old community based on cloud model. Based on this evaluation system, an old community—Wanqingxiang community in Xi′an was selected for resilience evaluation. The results could accurately reflect the weak links of resilience in the community, and also showed that the evaluation system had certain applicability and effectiveness.

Key words: cloud model, old community, resilience evaluation, combination weight, index evaluation system

CLC Number: 

  • TP391

Table 1

Resilience evaluation index library of old residential areas"

目标层 准测层 子准测层 指标层
老旧小区韧性评价 建筑韧性建筑主体韧性建筑抗震性能
建筑附属设备韧性 电气线路现状

Table 2

Quantitative indicators quantitative grading score range"

等级 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
分值范围 [0, 30] (30, 60] (60, 80] (80, 90] (90, 100]

Table 3

Quantitative criteria and basis for qualitative indicators"

等级M1 等级M2 等级M3 等级M4 等级M5
监控覆盖率 [0, 0.40] (0.40, 0.60] (0.60, 0.80] (0.80, 0.90] (0.90, 1.00]
室内声环境 >45 (40, 45] (35, 40] (30, 35] (0, 30]
室内光环境 [0, 1/8] (1/8, 1/7] (1/7, 1/6] (1/6, 1/5] (1/5, 1]
道路照度 [0, 1.0] (1.0, 3.0] (3.0, 5.0] (5.0, 7.5] >7.5
绿地率 [0, 0.25] (0.25, 0.28] (0.28, 0.30] (0.30, 0.35] (0.35, 1.00]
特殊群体人员占比 (0.85, 1.00] (0.80, 0.85] (0.75, 0.80] (0.70, 0.75] ≤0.70
有自救常识人员占比 [0, 0.20] (0.20, 0.30] (0.30, 0.40] (0.40, 0.50] (0.50, 1.00]
灾害保险投保率 [0, 0.06] (0.06, 0.08] (0.08, 0.10] (0.10, 0.12] (0.12, 1.00]

Table 4

Evaluation index final combination weight"

准则层 子准则层 指标层 ωAj ωKj ωi
建筑韧性建筑主体韧性建筑抗震性能 0.047 6 0.040 7 0.058 7
结构破损度 0.043 2 0.040 6 0.053 1
屋面性能 0.029 7 0.030 0 0.026 9
楼梯间性能 0.032 2 0.024 8 0.024 2
建筑附属设备韧性 电气线路现状 0.044 1 0.027 4 0.036 5
给排水管道现状 0.038 1 0.027 2 0.031 4
燃气设备现状 0.039 3 0.041 1 0.048 9
设施韧性应急设施韧性消防设施 0.031 0 0.046 0 0.043 2
应急指示系统 0.025 0 0.047 9 0.036 3
应急供电设施 0.020 9 0.036 9 0.023 4
应急供水设施 0.020 4 0.035 8 0.022 1
安防设施韧性 门禁系统 0.032 1 0.035 6 0.034 5
监控覆盖率 0.029 8 0.040 6 0.036 6
综合报警系统 0.031 4 0.037 8 0.036 0
服务设施韧性 便民服务站 0.036 6 0.038 5 0.042 6
室外活动设施 0.038 8 0.033 6 0.039 4
环境韧性室内环境韧性室内声环境 0.034 0 0.014 8 0.015 3
室内光环境 0.034 9 0.023 2 0.024 5
室内热环境 0.042 2 0.018 3 0.023 4
室外环境韧性 消防通道 0.039 3 0.041 7 0.049 6
道路材质 0.033 3 0.032 5 0.032 8
道路照度 0.025 8 0.039 4 0.030 7
绿地率 0.032 9 0.026 0 0.026 0
人员韧性居住人员韧性特殊群体人员占比 0.033 4 0.015 2 0.015 4
有自救常识人员占比 0.030 3 0.028 0 0.025 8
灾害保险投保率 0.025 9 0.036 8 0.028 8
管理人员韧性 防灾教育与演练 0.034 3 0.024 0 0.024 9
应急预案编制 0.033 5 0.037 6 0.038 1
应急物资管理 0.030 8 0.040 2 0.037 5
设备日常巡检 0.029 1 0.037 8 0.033 4


Cloud generator diagram"

Table 5

Evaluation grade standard and standard cloud parameters"

评价等级 评分区间 评价标准云模型参数
韧性水平低 [0, 30] (15, 12.74, 0.5)
韧性水平较低 (30, 60] (45, 12.74, 0.5)
韧性水平一般 (60, 80] (70, 8.49, 0.5)
韧性水平良好 (80, 90] (85, 4.25, 0.5)
韧性水平优秀 (90, 100] (95, 4.25, 0.5)


Evaluation standard cloud"

Table 6

Evaluation index cloud digital characteristics"

准则层(一级指标) 子准则层(二级指标) 指标层(三级指标) ωi CU
建筑韧性 建筑主体韧性 建筑抗震性能 0.058 7 (84.2, 3.058 1, 0.251 0)
结构破损度 0.053 1 (81.8, 3.358 9, 0.939 2)
屋面性能 0.026 9 (65.8, 4.161 0, 1.879 0)
楼梯间性能 0.024 2 (66.7, 4.135 9, 0.806 5)
建筑附属设备韧性 电气线路现状 0.036 5 (60.4, 2.757 3, 0.944 2)
给排水管道现状 0.031 4 (46.9, 1.654 4, 0.172 4)
燃气设备现状 0.048 9 (41.8, 2.005 3, 0.536 6)
设施韧性应急设施韧性消防设施 0.043 2 (59.3, 1.704 5, 0.477 0)
应急指示系统 0.036 3 (25.4, 2.356 2, 0.219 5)
应急供电设施 0.023 4 (55.6, 2.155 7, 0.776 3)
应急供水设施 0.022 1 (44.5, 2.632 0, 0.933 6)
安防设施韧性 门禁系统 0.034 5 (24.1, 2.130 6, 0.466 2)
监控覆盖率 0.036 6 (51.8, 2.055 4, 0.418 6)
综合报警系统 0.036 0 (23.1, 2.381 3, 0.825 6)
服务设施韧性 便民服务站 0.042 6 (14.2, 2.005 3, 0.256 3)
室外活动设施 0.039 4 (6.6, 1.253 3, 0.170 9)
环境韧性室内环境韧性室内声环境 0.015 3 (84.4, 2.155 7, 0.535 1)
室内光环境 0.024 5 (68.8, 2.556 8, 1.191 0)
室内热环境 0.023 4 (51.2, 1.804 8, 0.503 9)
室外环境韧性 消防通道 0.049 6 (24.7, 1.880 0, 0.641 9)
道路材质 0.032 8 (45.8, 1.804 8, 0.835 7)
道路照度 0.030 7 (48.8, 2.506 6, 0.582 3)
绿地率 0.026 0 (63.5, 1.880 0, 0.768 0)
人员韧性居住人员韧性特殊群体人员占比 0.015 4 (71.3, 1.880 0, 0.179 9)
有自救常识人员占比 0.025 8 (63.9, 1.403 7, 0.304 4)
灾害保险投保率 0.028 8 (45.6, 1.504 0, 0.068 7)
管理人员韧性 防灾教育与演练 0.024 9 (45.3, 2.130 6, 0.289 9)
应急预案编制 0.038 1 (33.6, 2.606 9, 0.986 7)
应急物资管理 0.037 5 (7.2, 1.052 8, 0.424 9)
设备日常巡检 0.033 4 (33.1, 1.629 3, 0.334 7)

Table 7

Evaluation index cloud digital characteristics of criterion layer and sub-criterion layer"

指标 CU 指标 CU
建筑韧性 (67.068 4, 3.473 5, 0.877 1)建筑主体韧性 (77.780 5, 3.358 7, 0.705 8)
建筑附属设备韧性 (52.133 4, 3.696 8, 1.210 2)
设施韧性 (39.513 4, 6.552 0, 1.040 5)应急设施韧性 (53.083 9, 6.037 8, 1.174 3)
安防设施韧性 (38.503 0, 6.510 3, 1.075 3)
服务设施韧性 (20.169 0, 7.815 1, 0.671 1)
环境韧性 (55.545 0, 5.894 2, 0.711 5)室内环境韧性 (72.229 9, 5.113 4, 0.882 1)
室外环境韧性 (47.975 3, 6.054 9, 0.676 4)
人员韧性 (43.856 1, 7.108 9, 0.731 1)居住人员韧性 (61.721 3, 6.124 1, 0.584 6)
管理人员韧性 (34.520 9, 5.795 4, 0.605 7)


Comprehensivecloud map"

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