Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science) ›› 2019, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (6): 1-10.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1672-3961.0.2019.312

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Review of capsule network

Jucheng YANG(),Shujie HAN,Lei MAO,Xiangzi DAI,Yarui CHEN   

  1. College of Artificial Intelligence, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin 300457, China
  • Received:2019-06-13 Online:2019-12-20 Published:2019-12-17


Recently capsule network with dynamic routing was the new neural network model which was considered a significant model in next generation. In recent years, much research evidenced capsule network exceptional ability to fit features. But the high computational overhead made it unable to fit complex and large datasets. Consequently, reducing computational became a research hotspot. There were two methods, including optimized capsule and optimized routing, to solve the issue. Optimized capsule was usually driven by application purpose which was designed as a model of specific classification tasks. And optimized routing was the way to improve the performance of the model from an algorithmic perspective.

Key words: capsule network, neural network, dynamic routing, optimized capsule, optimized routing

CLC Number: 

  • TP301.6


The structure of capsule network"


The structure of capsule network"


The orthogonal component of the feature inthe capsule subspace"


The structure of DCNet++"


The structure of PathCapsNet"


The structure of HitNet"

Table 1

Comparison of two capsule networks"

模型 胶囊类型 路由方法 鲁棒性 参数数量 改良方法 应用
向量胶囊网络 向量 非线性函数 较少 多与卷积神经网络结合改进网络结构 多用于简单数据集
矩阵胶囊网络 矩阵 EM算法 较多 多改进路由算法 可用于复杂数据集

Table 2

Comparison of optimization methods"

优化方法 优化模型 优化对象 模型类型
更高特征 DCNet++[11] 胶囊 向量胶囊网络
PathCapsNet[12] 胶囊 向量胶囊网络
更精胶囊 HitNet[13] 胶囊 向量胶囊网络
CapProNet[10] 胶囊 向量胶囊网络
更少数量 SPARSECAPS[17] 胶囊 向量胶囊网络
SCNet[14] 胶囊 矩阵胶囊网络
VideoCapsuleNet[15] 胶囊 矩阵胶囊网络
S-Capsules[16] 胶囊 矩阵胶囊网络
加速路由 ICRP协议[18] 路由 向量胶囊网络
改变方法 转化为最优化问题[19] 路由 向量胶囊网络
利用KDE方法[20] 路由 矩阵胶囊网络
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