Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science) ›› 2021, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (6): 1-8.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1672-3961.0.2020.429

• Mechanical Engineering—Special Topic on Ocean Engineering and Technology •    

The analysis of key parameters of hydraulic energy storage system of wave energy converter

Yingxin LIU1(),Jian QIN1,Yanjun LIU1,2,*()   

  1. 1. Institute of Marine Science and Technology, Shandong University, Qingdao 266237, Shandong, China
    2. Key laboratory of High Efficiency and Clean Mechanical Manufacture of Ministry of Education, Jinan 250061, Shandong, China
  • Received:2020-10-23 Online:2021-12-20 Published:2022-01-19
  • Contact: Yanjun LIU;


To improve the efficiency of wave power generation technology, a mathematical model of the system from wave input to motor output was established. The key parameters that affected the system′s power generation capacity were analyzed by using theoretical modeling and simulating, so as to provide theoretical guidance for the research of the constant speed control strategy of the hydraulic energy conversion system. The hydraulic energy storage system of wave energy generation was composed of 3 parts. The mathematical model of the system was established by analyzing each component′s motion equation and energy equation, and finding the connection parameters between the two components. The key parameters and characteristics of the system were determined qualitatively by analyzing the system′s power equation. To confirm the accuracy of theoretical analysis, the AMEsim simulation platform was used to design and imitate the system. The results showed that the motor′s output power was affected by the height of the wave, period, flow area of the proportional flow valve and the motor displacement. The highest order of the influence was 1, 4, 4 and 2, respectively. The results also verified that the precharging pressure of the accumulator had little influence on the motor′s output power.

Key words: wave energy conversion, hydraulic energy storage, analytical model, simulation platform, operating parameter of component

CLC Number: 

  • P74


Schematic diagram of the wave energy converter"


Sketch of a buoy placed in the waves"


Analysis of the wave force applied to buoy-piston"

Table 1

Key parameters of the buoy"

外径D1/m 内径D2/m 总高L/m 吃水深度d/m 质量mt/kg
3.21 1.61 1.00 0.50 3 115.12


Simulation model of the wave energy converter"


Pressure curves of systems"


Curve of power over time"


Varying curve of power over H"


Varying curve of power over pg0"


Varying curve of power over Tperiod"


Varying curve of power over DM"


Varying curve of power over AF"

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