Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science) ›› 2019, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (2): 8-16.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1672-3961.0.2018.271

• Machine Learning & Data Mining • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Image attribute annotation based on extreme gradient boosting algorithm

Hongbin ZHANG1(),Diedie QIU1,Renzhong WU1,Tao ZHU2,Jin HUA2,Donghong JI3   

  1. 1. Software School, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, China
    2. School of Information, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, China
    3. School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, Hubei, China
  • Received:2018-07-04 Online:2019-04-20 Published:2019-04-19
  • Supported by:


To improve annotation performance, a novel image attribute annotation model based on eXtreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) algorithm was proposed: image features i.e. local binary patterns (LBP), Gist, scale invariant feature transform (SIFT), and visual geometry group (VGG) were extracted respectively to better characterize the key visual content of images. Then the state-of-the-art boosting algorithm called XGBoost was used to design a strong classifier by integrating a group of weaker classifiers. Based on the strong classifier, image attribute annotation was implemented. A lot of valuable deep semantic implied by image attribute was mined in turn to create a novel hierarchical attribute representation mechanism, which was closer to human's objective cognition. Finally, transfer learning strategy was designed to further improve annotation performance. Experimental results showed that the key visual content of images was truly characterized by the Gist feature. Compared to the best competitor before transfer learning, the accuracy of basic transfer (BT) learning strategy was improved about 8.69%. Compared to the best competitor of BT, the accuracy of hybrid transfer (HT) learning strategy was improved about 17.55%. The annotation accuracy was improved by the presented model.

Key words: image attribute annotation, eXtreme gradient boosting, transfer learning, weak classifiers, deep semantic

CLC Number: 

  • TP391


Basic framework for image attribute annotation"

Table 1

Annotation results comparison with the main baselines before transfer learning"

模型PrecisionmaterialAPmaterial Accuracy
Pu Canvas Polyester Nylon
Gist_XGBoost 64.45 57.71 38.27 43.09 50.88 52.54
Gist _GBDT 64.65 56.99 38.37 40.89 50.23 51.46
Gist _NB 43.05 37.91 24.41 30.30 33.92 38.28
Gist _RF 61.00 54.45 37.56 40.87 48.47 50.22
Gist _DT 49.16 39.69 29.11 29.33 36.82 37.39
Gist _KNN 57.65 43.60 34.89 44.46 45.15 45.79
Gist _LR 55.91 41.76 0.00 39.25 34.23 46.19
SIFT_XGBoost 75.89 56.86 41.03 56.54 57.58 60.04
SIFT_GBDT 72.65 55.56 43.45 59.53 57.80 59.83
SIFT_NB 84.27 57.04 37.59 49.29 57.05 57.05
SIFT_RF 69.36 49.87 40.00 53.02 53.06 55.97
SIFT_DT 64.62 37.76 29.78 38.24 42.60 43.52
SIFT_KNN 55.33 39.27 32.74 38.02 41.34 41.90
LBP_XGBoost 66.67 57.42 42.06 44.67 52.71 54.24
LBP_GBDT 64.40 57.65 40.87 42.93 51.46 52.89
LBP_NB 45.99 39.61 32.41 33.45 37.87 39.34
LBP_RF 60.43 51.93 40.00 41.38 48.44 50.40
LBP_DT 49.61 38.35 29.00 30.01 36.74 36.80
LBP_KNN 52.15 45.05 38.79 45.00 45.25 46.38
LBP_LR 60.73 53.33 39.72 41.40 48.80 50.03
VGG16_XGBoost 55.68 49.36 35.58 35.09 43.93 45.01
VGG16_GBDT 53.79 46.69 33.61 34.19 42.07 43.39
VGG16_NB 26.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.69 26.75
VGG16_RF 53.63 46.91 32.69 35.58 42.20 43.44
VGG16_DT 42.47 38.80 28.35 26.93 34.14 34.15
VGG16_KNN 41.28 35.19 31.51 33.10 35.27 36.20
VGG16_LR 28.34 0.00 31.44 0.00 14.95 28.89


Before transfer learning, the P-R curves of the proposed models"


Accuracy comparisons of NT vs BT vs HT, (G (Gist), S (SIFT), L (LBP))"


Accuracy comparisons of various model combinations"


Accuracy comparisons between the proposed model and the state-of-the-art baselines"

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