About author:ZHONG Qing-chang(1970-),male, Ph.D.,SeniorLecturer, his main research interets cover control theory (including H-infinity control, time-delay systems and infinite-dimensional systems) and control engineering (including process control, power electronics, renewable energy, embedded control, rapid control prototyping and hardware-in-the-loop, engine control, hybrid vehicles and control using delay elements such as input-shaping technique and repetitive contr0l). E-mail: Q.Zhong@liverpool.ac.uk
Supported by:
This research was supported by the EPSRC, UK under grant no. EP/C005953/1.
ZHONG Qing-Chang. Recent results on H∞ control of time-delay systems using frequency-domain approaches[J].JOURNAL OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2009, 39(3): 22-30.