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山东大学学报(工学版) ›› 2015, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (3): 22-27.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1672-3961.3.2014.109

• 机器学习与数据挖掘 • 上一篇    下一篇


曾碧1,2, 毛勤1,2   

  1. 1. 广东工业大学计算机学院, 广东 广州 510000;
    2. 广东省物联网与控制专用芯片及系统智能化工程技术研究中心, 广东 广州 510000
  • 收稿日期:2014-10-08 修回日期:2015-05-11 出版日期:2015-06-20 发布日期:2014-10-08
  • 通讯作者: 毛勤(1991- ),女,湖南岳阳人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为基于ZigBee的室内无线定位技术. E-mail:942407600@qq.com E-mail:942407600@qq.com
  • 作者简介:曾碧(1963- ),女,广东广州人,教授,博士,硕导, 主要研究方向为嵌入式系统与智能技术,智能计算与智能机器人. E-mail:272070973@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Improved indoor 3-D fuzzy position fingerprint localization algorithm

ZENG Bi1,2, MAO Qin1,2   

  1. 1. College of Computer Science, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510000, Guangdong, China;
    2. Guangdong Provincial Research Center of Internet of Things, Control Special Chip and Intelligent System Engineering Technology, Guangzhou 510000, Guangdong, China
  • Received:2014-10-08 Revised:2015-05-11 Online:2015-06-20 Published:2014-10-08

摘要: 提出了改进的三维空间模糊指纹定位方法(ITF)。该方法首先采用高斯模型对样本节点和未知节点的RSSI值进行过滤,建立样本点的指纹数据库,并将传统的求解高次坐标问题转换成空间隶属度的问题。利用模糊匹配算法计算未知节点与指纹库中各个已知样本点的贴近度,通过贴近度权系数定位未知节点。实验结果表明该定位方法比传统定位算法在降低误差方面具有更高的性能。

关键词: 模糊匹配, RSSI(received signal strength indicator), 位置指纹, ITF(indoor three-dimensional fuzzy), 贴进度权系数, 高斯模型, 三维空间

Abstract: An improved indoor three-dimensional fuzzy position fingerprint localization method named ITF was proposed to improve the positioning accuracy. Gaussian model was used for filtering the received signal strength of sample nodes and unknown nodes to establish the fingerprint database for sample nodes. Then the problem of solving high order coordinates was transformed into the problem of space membership degree. The fuzzy neartude weights of unknown nodes and sample nodes were calculated, which could determine the coordinates of unknown points. The experimentalresult proved that ITF had higher performance in reducing the error than other traditional algorithms.

Key words: 3-D space, ITF(indoor three-dimensional fuzzy), RSSI(received signal strength indicator), fuzzy neartude weights, fuzzy matching, position fingerprint, Gaussian model


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