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山东大学学报(工学版) ›› 2014, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 58-63.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1672-3961.0.2013.360

• 能源与动力工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈昌贤, 孙奉仲, 李飞, 吴艳艳   

  1. 山东大学能源与动力工程学院, 山东 济南 250061
  • 收稿日期:2013-11-29 修回日期:2014-03-05 发布日期:2013-11-29
  • 通讯作者: 孙奉仲(1962-),男,山东郓城人,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为电站热力设备节能与经济性控制.E-mail:sfzh@sdu.edu.cn E-mail:sfzh@sdu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:陈昌贤(1988-),男,福建大田人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为电站热力设备节能与经济性控制.E-mail:sdu_ccxian@163.com

Thermal calculation method for quad-sectional regenerative air preheater

CHEN Changxian, SUN Fengzhong, LI Fei, WU Yanyan   

  1. School of Energy and Power Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, Shandong, China
  • Received:2013-11-29 Revised:2014-03-05 Published:2013-11-29

摘要: 基于四分仓空气预热器的运行方式和传热特点的分析,建立了先合仓再分仓的热力计算模型。模型包含合仓和分仓两步计算,通过合仓计算获得平均出口烟温和有加权的平均出口风温;利用合仓计算结果进行分仓计算,获得右二次风仓、一次风仓和左二次风仓的平均出口风温。结果表明,计算值与设计值的最大相对偏差为2.27%,最小相对偏差为0.21%。以某300 MW循环流化床锅炉机组的四分仓空气预热器为实例,在4个常用工况下,计算值与实际运行数据的最大相对偏差为4%,平均相对偏差为1.8%,验证了此计算方法的准确性和可靠性。

关键词: 热力计算, 回转式空气预热器, 四分仓, 传热模型, 相对偏差

Abstract: A new thermal calculation model for quad-sectional regenerative air preheater was investigated based on the analysis of operating mode and heat transfer characteristics of quad-sectional air preheaters. The model included two calculating steps: the average outlet flue gas temperature and the weighted average outlet air temperature were obtained through the first step calculation; and based on the first step calculation results, the average outlet air temperatures were obtained in right-secondary airside, primary air side and left-secondary airside respectively by the second step calculation. The results showed that the maximum and minimum relative deviations between calculated values and design values were 2.27% and 0.21% respectively. For a 300 MW circulating fluidized bed boiler unit with quad-sectional air preheater, the maximum and average relative deviations between calculated values and actual operation data were 4% and 1.8% respectively, the accuracy and reliability of this thermal calculation model were verified.

Key words: quad-sectional, regenerative air preheater, heat transfer model, relative deviation, thermal calculation


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