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山东大学学报(工学版) ›› 2012, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5): 1-6.

• 机器学习与数据挖掘 •    下一篇



  1. (1. 江苏科技大学计算机科学与工程学院, 江苏 镇江 212003; 2. 南京理工大学计算机科学与技术学院, 江苏 南京 210094; 3. 江苏科技大学经济管理学院, 江苏 镇江 212003
  • 收稿日期:2012-03-28 出版日期:2012-10-20 发布日期:2012-03-28
  • 作者简介:杨习贝(1980-),男,江苏镇江人,讲师,博士后,主要研究方向为粒计算与粗糙集理论.E-mail: zhenjiangyangxibei@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Characteristic consistent blocks based rough set in incomplete system

YANG Xi-bei1,2, HUANG Jia-ling1, ZHOU Jun-yi3, YANG Jing-yu2   

  1. 1. School of Computer Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212003, China; 2. School of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China; 3. School of Economics and Management, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang 212003, China
  • Received:2012-03-28 Online:2012-10-20 Published:2012-03-28

摘要: 以同时具有遗漏型和缺席型未知属性值的不完备信息系统为研究对象,分析了由特征关系所得到的特征类中并非任意两个元素都满足容差关系这一不足,将最大相容块技术引入到特征类中,提出了特征相容块的概念,不仅对基于特征相容块的粗糙集的基本性质进行了讨论,而且将特征相容块粗糙集与特征关系粗糙集进行了对比分析,研究结果表明,相比于特征关系,采用特征相容块的方法,可以得到更大的下近似和更小的上近似。

关键词: 不完备信息系统, 特征关系, 特征相容块, 粗糙集

Abstract: The incomplete information system with both absent and missing unknown values was studied. The limitation of characteristic class, was pointed out such that not any two elements in a characteristic class were mutually tolerant. The technique of maximal consistent blocks was introduced into characteristic class, and then the concept of characteristic consistent block was proposed. Not only the basic properties about characteristic consistent blocks based rough set were discussed, but also the relationship between characteristic consistent blocks and characteristic relation based rough sets was analyzed. The results showed that by comparing with the characteristic relation, the greater lower approximation and smaller upper approximation could be obtained by characteristic consistent block approach.

Key words: incomplete information system, characteristic relation, characteristic consistent block, rough set


  • TP18
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