Journal of Shandong University(Engineering Science) ›› 2022, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (6): 1-13.doi: 10.6040/j.issn.1672-3961.0.2022.172

• Transportation Engineering—Special Issue for Intelligent Transportation •     Next Articles

Review of risk conflict identification and early warning for interchange

Jianqing WU1(),Qifeng WANG2,Zhouyuan LI1,Yuan TIAN1,*()   

  1. 1. School of Qilu Transportation, Shandong University, Jinan 250002, Shandong, China
    2. Shandong Hi-speed Group Co., Ltd., Jinan 250000, Shandong, China
  • Received:2022-05-02 Online:2022-12-20 Published:2022-12-23
  • Contact: Yuan TIAN;


This review focused on three parts with data collection method, related indexes of traffic conflict and conflict risk early warning method. Each step of the technology was introduced from range of application, working principle, advantages and disadvantages.Based on the real-time multi-sensor data fusion and roadside early warning method, the future development trend and practical application of risk conflict identification and early warning technology for urban interchanges were prospected.

Key words: urban interchange, merging and diversion area, data collection, traffic conflict, risk early warning

CLC Number: 

  • U491


Real-time detection method based on lidar and camera fusion"


Classification of space-time traffic conflict indicators"

Table 1

Advantages and disadvantages of traffic conflict"

冲突指标分类 典型指标 优点 缺点 适用环境
距离度量指标 PSD, 冲突距离, 非完全制动距离指标 相对于时间度量指标计算简单 距离和速度同时很大或很小时, 冲突可能并不严重 应用较少
速度度量指标 冲突速度
时间度量指标 TTC及其衍生指标、PET及其衍生指标 可以计算各时刻车辆之间的冲突过程 对于有角度的变道冲突车辆识别困难 适用于具有相近行驶轨迹的冲突
其他相关指标 碰撞能量大小, 结合电子技术指标 更为符合复杂的实际情况 需要更多的数据支撑 车路协同环境


Early warning technology categories of risk conflict"

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